Saturday, January 15, 2011

Live Music

Vol. 3 No. 2

I had a great time last night when I went to see Button Down Runner playing at The Trash Bar in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.  Live music is always a blast and these guys put on a good show!

Photographing musicians at local venues can be extremely challenging. Dimly lit and normally crowded conditions can present some obstacles. Shooting manual and bumping up the ISO pretty high is a must.  If you use flash, I recommend the rear curtain/slow sync setting to prevent your backgrounds from going black and losing all detail.  A stabilized lens really can help out when hand-holding at slower shutter speeds. 



A final recommendation is to shoot raw format (vs. jpeg) so you can adjust the white balance in post production.  I use Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 for the majority of my post production work.  With the various colored stage lights, it's very difficult to select the best setting in the camera.  If you must, or don't have a choice but jpeg, then put some trust in your camera's "Auto" white balance setting.


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Vol. 3 No. 1


Welcome 2011 - happily starting a new year, and a new decade!

Making resolutions is what we all do - trying to change or make for a better self.  So with that in mind, here are my 2011 photographic resolutions:
  • I'll make more photographs.
    Getting out into the world to capture images means having a camera with me, ready to record my point of view.

  • I'll visit more places.
    Locally, regionally, nationally and globally.  Exposing myself to a variety of settings will keep my brain charged-up.

  • I'll take more workshops and attend more seminars.
     Education is key.  Learning from others and their experiences will help me grow creatively.

  • I'll share more of my thoughts on photography.
    While life can sometimes spin out of control, I will do my best to post more articles on the LensCapture blog so we can share experiences and grow our craft.

  • I'll hold more photo walks.Getting together and sharing our experiences and love for photography is one of the best ways to accelerate my goal of a expanding the love for image capture.
Now I need your help!  Share your ideas for articles, photo walk ideas, and questions you have about photography.  Please share!

And lastly, one of my goals for the New Year is to continue making new friends.

Wishing you all a happy, safe and prosperous New Year!



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